Why a Trustworthy Community is Essential to Your Success

The road to building a platform can be lonely—but only if you choose for it to be. Successful platforms are able to connect with their audience because the person isn’t working in isolation. Successful platforms require community.
What are the key relationships you need to ensure your platform is on steady footing?
Build Your Brain Trust
Though it’s hard to believe now, there was a day when the thought of creating awesome, Hollywood-quality movies with a computer was a pipe dream.
Then one day a man named Ed Catmull met a man named Steve Jobs, and Pixar was born. The rest is history.
Pixar movies are celebrated not only for the technology that made them, but especially for the quality of their storytelling. This success is rooted in a practice that is unique among film studies. Pixar calls it the Brain Trust.
While you should take the time to read more about it, the short version goes something like this. Each Pixar film has a director. That director has sole creative authority over the choices that are made in the film. However, all the directors come together periodically for meetings of the Brain Trust in which one director shares their latest work, and the rest of the room provides honest feedback. This creates a dynamic in which individual creative visions are encouraged, but held accountable through each step of the process.
Clearly, the Pixar Brain Trust works. When you allow people you trust to speak into your work, your work improves. Trust is the key word here. Would you accept criticism from someone you didn’t trust or respect? Of course not! But the feedback of someone who knows you and understands your goals can help transform a project.
Guides for the Journey
This is precisely why Platform University exists—to create this crucial community for you as you build a platform.
Here’s what Platform University isn’t. It’s not an information product that sends you out into the woods alone to figure it out. There’s plenty to figure out on your own when it comes to building a platform, but you’re bound to run into all sorts of limits and setbacks.
Platform University provides three major people connections to help you get past your shortcuts:
1. A Mentor. To begin with, our team serves as your guide. John Meese, Dean of Platform University, and the team will show you firsthand how we built our platform. You’ll get unique access through monthly, live Q&A calls, and member makeovers. Plus, you’ll receive a “Backstage Pass” to see our business from behind the curtain.

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Want to give Platform University (your one-stop shop for building an online audience) a spin? Get your first week of Platform University for just $1. Cancel anytime. Try Platform University for Just $12. Experts. You’ll also gain access to other platform experts—leaders in their field who have built large machines such as Michael Hyatt, Dave Ramsey, Amy Porterfield, Jeff Goins, Pat Flynn, Lysa TerKeurst, Ray Edwards, and Cliff Ravenscraft. They all have stories and tips, and you can get their insights immediately by joining.
3. Community. Finally, maybe most important of all, joining Platform University give you exclusive access to a thriving, sharing, and learning community of lay experts—people just like you who are making it happen on a daily basis. The member forums provide some of the best thinking of fellow platform builders, including Mike Kim, who launched his first paid online course and sold out in four minutes.
It’s easy to get frustrated when you’re building a platform, but why face the difficulties alone? You need a community you can learn from and contribute to. We hope you’ll make Platform University that community.